H Appendix Additional resources
H.1 Editing this book
- Here are instructions for editing this book
H.2 Docker alternatives
- Choosing between Docker and Vagrant (Zait 2017)
H.3 Docker and R
- Noam Ross’ talk on Docker for the UseR (Ross 2018b) and his Slides (Ross 2018a) give a lot of context and tips.
- Good Docker tutorials
- An introductory Docker tutorial (Srivastav 2018)
- A Docker curriculum (Hall 2018)
- Scott Came’s materials about Docker and R on his website (Came 2018) and at the 2018 UseR Conference focus on R inside Docker.
- It’s worth studying the ROpensci Docker tutorial (ROpenSciLabs 2018)
H.4 Documentation for Docker and PostgreSQL
- The Postgres image documentation (Docker 2018d)
- PostgreSQL & Docker documentation (Docker 2018d)
- Dockerize PostgreSQL (Docker 2018b)
- Usage examples of PostgreSQL with Docker WARNING-EXPIRED CERTIFICATE 2018-12-20
H.5 SQL and dplyr
- Why SQL is not for analysis but dplyr is (Nishida 2016)
- Data Manipulation with dplyr (With 50 Examples) (ListenData.com 2016)
H.6 More Resources
- David Severski describes some key elements of connecting to databases with R for MacOS users (Severski 2018)
- This tutorial picks up ideas and tips from Ed Borasky’s Data Science pet containers (Borasky 2018), which creates a framework based on that Hack Oregon example and explains why this repo is named pet-sql.
Borasky, M. Edward (Ed). 2018. “Data Science Pet Containers.” 2018. https://github.com/znmeb/data-science-pet-containers.
Came, Scott. 2018. “Running R in Docker - Part 1 - Getting Started.” July 21, 2018. http://www.cascadia-analytics.com/2018/07/21/docker-r-p1.html.
Docker. 2018b. “Dockerize Postgresql | Docker Documentation.” 2018. https://docs.docker.com/engine/examples/postgresql_service/.
Docker. 2018d. “Postgres | Docker Documentation.” 2018. https://docs.docker.com/samples/library/postgres/.
Hall, Ben. 2018. “Learn Docker & Containers Using Interactive Browser-Based Scenarios.” 2018. https://katacoda.com/courses/docker.
ListenData.com. 2016. “Data Manipulation with Dplyr (with 50 Examples).” 2016. https://www.listendata.com/2016/08/dplyr-tutorial.html.
Nishida, Kan. 2016. “Why Sql Is Not for Analysis, but Dplyr Is.” August 5, 2016. https://blog.exploratory.io/why-sql-is-not-for-analysis-but-dplyr-is-5e180fef6aa7.
ROpenSciLabs. 2018. “R Docker Tutorial.” September 13, 2018. http://ropenscilabs.github.io/r-docker-tutorial/.
Ross, Noam. 2018a. “Docker for the UseR - Slides.” July 10, 2018. https://github.com/noamross/nyhackr-docker-talk/blob/master/Noam_Ross_DockerForTheUseR_nyhackr_2018-07-10.pdf.
Ross, Noam. 2018b. “Docker for the UseR - Video.” July 10, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=803oZI5dvAU.
Severski, David. 2018. “Database Connections.” 2018. https://github.com/davidski/database_connections.
Srivastav, Prakhar. 2018. “A Docker Tutorial for Beginners.” 2018. https://docker-curriculum.com/.
Zait, Mahmoud. 2017. “Vagrant Vs Docker.” July 29, 2017. https://medium.com/@Mahmoud_Zalt/vagrant-vs-docker-679c9ce4231b.